Thank you for writing the Practical Linear Algebra textbook. As a software engineer self-studying linear algebra, it has been refreshing to find a textbook with so many relevant examples for my work. CTO in Beijing, China |
I have read the first eight chapters so far and it looks like it will be a fun class to teach. I will be teaching students in our game design program. Instructor at Rochester Institute of Technology |
After having finished your book today, I agree completely with the very favorable reviews that I saw on the internet. It was an enlightening experience to brush up my old university math with this book. The 'sketchy' way of explaining things sure worked for me. Dr. Anneke
Sicherer-Roetman, Maritime Research Institute Netherlands |
First of all, many thanks to you and Professor Hansford for creating "Practical Linear Algebra, A Geometry Toolbox," it's done a world of wonder for me, as I need to review my linear algebra to prepare for studying computer graphics. I really can't thank you enough. Daniel
Kurtz |
Your book "Pratical Linear Algebra, a geometry toolbook " is great. I write software for image analysis of medical images where in several occasions I have to deal with eigen things and similar . I have been using your book as a valuable reference to refresh and understand these concepts that I studied when I was a student. Diego
Bordegari |
I picked up this book with the thought, ’oh, another linear algebra text.’ I was pleasantly surprised, upon examination, that it is not just another one. The standard linear algebra material is presented with good motivating stories, illustrations and examples. Review in its entirety. Canadian
Mathematical Society (CMS) Notes |
mixture of linear algebra, geometry, and numerical aspects
is very interesting and will probably stimulate the students.
Review in its entirety. Bulletin
of the Belgian Mathematical Society |
It is well written and the examples are carefully chosen to motivate or exemplify the topic at hand. Review in its entirety Choice
Magazine |
I just purchased your book, "Practical linear algebra", a few days ago. I found it in Barns and Nobles last week, and I immediately fell in love with it. I love the nice illustrations and diagrams which are very helpful in promoting intuitive understanding of every concept. I am a clinician investigator at the National Institutes of Health who is conducting MRI research of the heart. My main interest is finite deformation of the heart muscle structures, however, since I do not have engineering background, I have been looking for a nice textbook on linear algebra. Hiroshi
Ashikaga, MD |
I am taking a Linear Algebra class -- geez, what a frustrating experience. A paedagogical disaster. We are all non-math students -- but no applications, no substantive interpretations of any concept. And then, panicking for finals, I went to the Math library, found your book, and was delighted. I was awake last night til 4am, reading it just for pleasure. keep up the good work! Juan Pablo
Zuluaga |
Teaching computer graphics and mathematics in the study program Digital Media at Bremen, Germany, I have found "Practical Linear Algebra" to be precisely the kind of book I've long been looking for. It covers all topics that are vital for computer graphics, even gives lots of applications in that field including for instance PostScript, and does so in a very practical but nonetheless rigorous manner. I find many elements of my own teaching in this book, including the hand-made style of drawings (rendering them more "hands-on"), using a geometric shape to illustrate the action of a 2x2 matrix, and deriving the determinant from the computation of areas and volumes instead of plainly presenting a formula. I have recommended this book strongly to all students in my first-year courses and will continue to do so. Prof.
Dr. Jörn Loviscach |
I looked at the Practical Linear Algegra book and I was impressed with the applications, especially those related to computer graphics. The topics are organized in a slightly non-traditional way, so the book does not coordinate with our current course outline as easily as some other books do. However, I think some faculty will be interested in using the book because the geometric descriptions and applications are very nice. Prof.
Linda Patton |
Is linear algebra a tool that is capable of solving a myriad of problems or an example of mathematical structures and reasoning? The answer, of course, is both. In this book, Farin and Hansford certainly take the first viewpoint. Common theorem-proof presentation has been replaced by motivation, example, or graphics. Their goal is aimed at the freshman/sophomore level and is quite appropriate for students in engineering and computer graphics as well as in mathematics. It is well written and the examples are carefully chosen to motivate or exemplify the topic at hand. As a consequence, it is significantly different from a traditional work in the area. For example, "eigen things" (their term) are introduced in the plane and used to diagonalize a symmetric matrices, but the general problem of diagonalizing a matrix is omitted. There is no mention of similar matrices. It appears to be a very good book, if the goal is introduction to applicaiton, but perhaps not for introduction to mathematical proofs. Summing Up: Recommended. Lower-division undergraduates; two-year technical program students. J.R. Burke |
We have been quite appreciative of the reviews and feedback from readers of the first edition of this text, The Geometry Toolbox. Reviews are included below. |
in a deceptively easy-to-read style, ... this textbook provides
a solid foundation in the mathematics needed for graphics
and modeling. .... --P.
Samella |
I am writing an intro computer science text and am reading all the other basic texts. Your new geometry toolbox book is TERRIFIC. --Peter
Shirley |
This book has a number of important advantages. First, the book provides intuition into the vector meaning of transformations and manipulations. Furthermore, ... --A.
Fischer |
Your book, The Geometry Toolbox, is without a doubt one of the best written pedagogical works I've ever read and certainly the best in geometry.
am working on a Masters of Computer Science at Syracuse University.
I also work at Lockheed Martin on a trainer/simulator for
a sonar system .... --David
Danner |
American Mathematical Monthly, Feb. 1999. |
Mathematical Reviews, Issue 99d. |
Johannes Wallner. Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik, issue 899, 1999. |